Actually a bit like a jumper. With sleeves. But then again, not at all. With so much more freedom of movement. Wide and flowing. Somehow elegant. But then again also very suitable for everyday wear. Also nice and warm, and with a great turtleneck that also looks great. So this is a winter piece you can't do without.
Material: 85% organic cotton, 15% Elasthan
Brand: Living Crafts
Made in Romenia
Size chart: Living Crafts Sizes
Actually a bit like a jumper. With sleeves. But then again, not at all. With so much more freedom of movement. Wide and flowing. Somehow elegant. But then again also very suitable for everyday wear. Also nice and warm, and with a great turtleneck that also looks great. So this is a winter piece you can't do without.
Material: 85% organic cotton, 15% Elasthan
Brand: Living Crafts
Made in Romenia
Size chart: Living Crafts Sizes
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